what is this?

Our Coaching, Training & Community Environments



We can curate a discussion for your Elder, Pastor & leadership team in the theology and practical vision of missional living for your congregation. In addition, our library of guided curriculum and pathways can be utilized to teach missional living to your church community in a way that guides them to see every Christ-follower as a missionary in the places they live, work, and play.


Individual coaching

We can walk 1:1 through missional practices training with church planters, pastors, business owners, or non-profit leaders. This intensive training will help leaders and church planters guide their organization or new church to develop a missional and incarnational framework for their ministry efforts. After coaching and launching these missional expressions, you will have a network of practitioners to lean on, serve with, and co-support in mission.


Community Co-Learning

You may just need a place where you can gather and collaborate with peers. Pando is place just for that need! As missional practitioners, we often find ourselves needing connection more than formalized training or coaching. We gather groups in both Colorado Springs and Denver to co-learn, collaborate, and share best-practices with each other. These are often our most prized gatherings together. Be sure to connect with the COS or Denver tribe to stay abreast of these get-togethers.